Countless men and women get breast cancer every year. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, in their article, 3 Steps to Early Detection Guide - Help Detect Breast Cancer Earlier, "over 250,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer." That being said, early detection is key in increasing your chances of successful treatment.
In their free guide, they describe 3 steps to early detection:
What should I look for if I examine my own breast?
When should I see my doctor?
When and how often should I get a mammogram?

Their helpful Youtube Video shows how to give yourself a self-exam walks you through step by step what to look for. While most know that a "lump" is a tell-tale sign something is wrong, other changes can occur such as "nipple inversion," or even "significant irritation or redness." The National Breast Cancer Foundation recommends you perform a self exam once a month and if anything changes to talk to your doctor.
Here at Legacy Race, we strive to build a community and support those diagnosed with breast cancer and their families. We are all in this together.